Understanding Gynecomastia: Causes and Symptoms

Plastic Surgeon & Skin Care Spa Serving Kansas City, Overland Park, Olathe, Lee's Summit & Nearby Areas of Kansas & Missouri

Posted: July 15, 2024

Gynecomastia, often misunderstood, is a medical condition characterized by the enlargement of breast tissue in males. It affects a significant number of individuals at various points in their lives, creating both physical and emotional impacts.

While often associated with discomfort and confusion, understanding it can alleviate much of the anxiety surrounding its symptoms.

What Causes Gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia often results from hormonal imbalances. When the balance between testosterone and estrogen shifts, it can lead to the development of excess breast tissue.

Besides hormonal changes, certain medications like anti-anxiety drugs, antibiotics, and some treatments for heart disease can also contribute to this condition.

Health issues, particularly those affecting the liver and kidneys, may also play a role. Knowing these causes helps medical professionals like Dr. Perez effectively address and manage gynecomastia.

Recognizing the Symptoms of Gynecomastia

The most noticeable symptom of gynecomastia is the enlargement of breast tissue in males. You might also experience tenderness in the breast area. These symptoms can appear in one or both breasts; sometimes unevenly.

If you notice these changes, it's important not to jump to conclusions but instead consult with our gynecomastia expert who can offer a precise diagnosis.

Who Is at Risk for Gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia is most commonly observed in three groups: adolescents undergoing hormonal changes, middle-aged men, and older men where natural hormone production changes.

Additionally, individuals on certain medication regimens that impact hormone levels are at a higher risk. Recognizing whether you fit into these groups can help you understand your own risk of developing gynecomastia.

Managing and Treating Gynecomastia

Treatment for gynecomastia varies based on the severity and persistence of the condition. Options range from lifestyle adjustments and medication to surgical interventions in more persistent cases.

It's crucial to discuss these options with Dr. Perez, who can tailor a treatment plan based on your specific condition and needs. Together, you can determine the best approach to manage symptoms and improve your quality of life.

Schedule Your Gynecomastia Consultation in Overland Park, KS

If you're seeking relief and understanding about gynecomastia, consider scheduling a consultation with Dr. Victor M. Perez at Renue Aesthetic Surgery. Our practice is dedicated to providing you with professional and compassionate care. You can call us at 913-685-1108 and let our team help you navigate your symptoms with confidence.

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